Friday, September 4, 2020

Our Daily Manna for 4th September 2020 Is “THE “GOVERNOR” CAME OUT OF A DESPISED VILLAGE!”

 Our daily manna Devotional

The Topic of Our Daily Manna for 4th September 2020 Is “THE “GOVERNOR” CAME OUT OF A DESPISED VILLAGE!”

Basic Scriptures: PHILIPPIANS 2 : 1-1

The great George Eliot once noted: “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” Remember that it was a little boy’s bread and fish that was used to feed the multitude; not the bakery company of a billionaire! Matthew 2:6 says: “And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.” Did you get that? Jesus of Nazareth, THE GOVERNOR OF THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH, was born in Bethlehem – Judah which was the SMALLEST (THE LEAST) PROVINCE in Judah! He was not born in a BLAZING, URBAN LIMELIGHT! Wow!

God can do great things from small things and that will be the story of your life, family and ministry! I remember also 1 Kings 19: 12 & 13b: “And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice…And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, ‘What doest thou here, Elijah?” So, the LORD was not in the FIRE or the EARTHQUAKE but He only spoke when the STILL SMALL VOICE showed up! Fear not!SMALL THINGS ARE HIS RAW MATERIALS to your destiny throne!

No matter where you are now, it is small compared to where God is taking you to – GREATER DAYS ARE STILL AHEAD! Oh, the power of small things! Do you know that one person’s sin can affect an entire church or family? It was Miriam that delayed the whole congregation for 7 days (Numbers 12: 14-15). Note Vs. 15 – “And Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days: and the people journeyed not till Miriam was brought in again.” THE PEOPLE REMAINED in the same place because of ONE PERSON – Miriam!

Remember that it was the sin of ACHAN that brought DEFEAT and SHAME to Israel (Joshua 7: 1- 13). A little child in your family can be the root cause of your unending battles. Even past sins IMPROPERLY CONFESSED AND repented from can be the cause of some delays! It was not a millionaire that fed Elijah in a season of economic distress in Israel! God used a poor little WIDOW! The LORD is saying to 346, 151 ODM users today: “Don’t lose your focus on what I can do for you because MY SON has paid the PRICE! I have made you a JOINT HEIR with My SON and love you as I love HIM. I can do GREAT THINGS from where you are and from the LITTLE in your hands. Look up to me.”


1. Take any song of worship as led.
2. In your own words, pray over today’s word as led now.
3. Begin to thank the LORD AGAIN for His prophetic Word in the last chapter of today’s devotional write-up.
4. Lord, do great things from the LITTLE in my hands. I resist discouragement/depression. I shall compare myself to NOBODY!
5. Lord, take me from where I am today to where You have destined me to be.
6. I UPROOT every spirit of ACHAN! Lord, shake away every ACHAN from my life and ministry (Pray it for 5 days and nights).

Our Daily Manna also known as ODM is written by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe.

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