Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 Our daily manna Devotional

The Topic of Our Daily Manna for 16th September 2020 Is “I DON’T KNOW HOW HE DID IT!”

Basic Scriptures: PROVERBS 23 : 7-18

“ I am Esther Caleb (names hidden by me Dr Chris, on request). Join me to praise the LORD!!! I have been asking GOD for a miracle I don’t deserve concerning my C.G.P.A; to the Glory of God, HE has answered my prayer tonight. My testimony looks too good to be true. Indeed I have been asking myself, ‘Is this real?’ Well, JEHOVAH OVERDO has elevated me from 3.47 to 4.57 and now I am a first class graduate from Lagos State University. I don’t know how HE did it, but I am just super happy right now. I always meditate on Luke 1:37 and Matthew 19:26.

GOD IS THE GOD OF IMPOSSIBILITIES. He makes all impossibility possible. GOD who can raise someone from the dead after being buried for four days (Lazarus), who can divide the sea, what can HE not do? That’s not the only thing, He has answered every of my heart’s desires even beyond my expectations. GOD IS GREAT! I don’t know what whosoever is reading my testimony is going through, just have Faith, pray without any doubt and believe. God will answer you even beyond your expectations. Anybody that says God does not exist and HE doesn’t answer prayers is unwise! God is real and HE answers prayers perfectly in the right way at the best time. He is indeed the GOD OF PERFECTION. Praise the Lord!

Sometimes it is wisdom not to disclose everything about your person! But note what she wrote: “My testimony looks too good to be true. Indeed I have been asking myself, ‘Is this real?” The Holy Ghost is an IMPOSSIBILITY SPECIALIST! He is the MANUFACTURER OF THE INCREDIBLE! She also wrote: “I don’t know how HE did it.” Indeed, in this second half of 2020, FORGET ABOUT THE “HOW” or the “WHEN.” Just Trust! How you will get married is not your business! Believe you will get married! How you will get your EXPECTATIONS to MANIFEST is not your business! It is the business of He that said: “For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off” (Prov. 23:18). You will declare to the world very soon: I DON’T KNOW HOW HE DID IT! You are next to testify! Shout 14 Halleluiahs now as we pray! Hold on and hold out!


1. Take Song 1: Christian seek not yet….
2. Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.
3. I don’t have to know HOW He will do the following issues of my life and ministry. But I thank you LORD that You are up to something incredible! The “How” is Your business (Mention them now).
4. Pray about today now. Pray for travellers this week!

Our Daily Manna also known as ODM is written by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe.

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