Sunday, August 23, 2020

Our Daily Manna 23rd August 2020 [Sunday] – Imitate This Deaf Frog!


Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic: Imitate This Deaf Frog!

Basic Scriptures: Joshua 1:1-9


A group of frogs were traveling across a forest in search of a pond. While hopping around, two frogs fell into a deep pit. The other frogs gathered around the pit and gave various advice to the two frogs. As the two frogs tried to jump out of the deep pit, the other frogs from the top discouraged them by describing how impossible it was to jump out. The two frogs tried to choose to ignore their discouraging words and decided to jump out of the pit.

ODM For Champions 23 August 2020
odm Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe
ODM For Champions 23 August 2020 – IMITATE THIS DEAF FROG!

They tried very hard and put in all their effort to come out of the pit while the frogs were watching from the top kept telling them to give up. In the midst of rain of negative words, one among them was affected by the discouraging words, and dies as it gave up on the struggle to come out of the pit.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as it could. After an immense struggle, it finally came out of the pit alive. The other frogs were so surprised and asked how it managed to come up in spite of all the discouraging signs to give up. The brave frog then explained that it was dead and assumed that everyone was cheering for it!

ODM For Champions 23 August 2020 – IMITATE THIS DEAF FROG!

Oh, so funny, but the Holy Ghost wants you to know that people’s words have a significant impact on our lives. He wants you to know that: What you hear is not as important as HOW YOU REACT TO WHAT you hear! BE DEAF TO NEGATIVE WORDS! Today’s scripture Vs. 9 says: “…Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Youg Kang Chan, in “The Disbelief Habit” opined.” It’s difficult to see your thoughts when you are in your thoughts. “Curtis Tyrone Jones wrote.

“Sometimes in order to move the mind forward we just shift its gears out of revere. “Close with Ernest Agyemang Yoboah: “Stand above negativity!! Dare to conquer toxic thoughts! “Be like this deaf frog! I see your life disappointing your haters in Jesus name. Pray seriously now! ODM For Champions 23 August 2020 – IMITATE THIS DEAF FROG!

Our Daily Manna 23rd August 2020 [Sunday] – Imitate This Deaf Frog!


1: In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
3: I am DEAF to discouragement or evil arrows of haters. All I hear is “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST”
4: Lord, flush out every discouraging association or people from my destiny in Jesus name.
5: I receive COURAGE and boldness as I Journey through life!
6: Pray in Tongues today now.
7: Pray about any other issues affecting your peace. Pray about today as led. Pray for children today! Cancel a home accident!

Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe is a Christian minister, trained pharmacist and author. He is the founder and senior pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain Ministry Worldwide, headquartered in Lagos. He is also the author of Our Daily Manna.

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