Thursday, August 13, 2020

Our Daily Manna 13th August 2020 [Thursday] – She’s Married Two Exception Men!-2


Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic: She’s Married Two Exception Men!-2

Basic Scriptures: Matthew 2:13-23


Jeremiah 1:5 says; “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. “Note: “BEFORE YOU WERE BORN… “Also see Isaiah 46:10 – “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come, I say , ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Note: “MY PURPOSE…” These scriptures all talk about destiny! Destiny also means “His PURPOSE EVEN BEFORE YOU WERE BORN.” Destiny is something that you never wished for yet it is happening. As if that, the first event is your birth. Does anybody desire his or her own birth or place of birth, sex at birth, colour, etc?

ODM For Winners 13 August 2020
ODM For Winners 13 August 2020
ODM For Winners 13 August 2020

Did you desire your birth in winter or summer? Did Graca Machel (MRS) plan to become GRACA Mandela (MRS)? Did she plan to marry two presidents in her lifetime? No! No! No!?That is destiny at work! BUT DESPITE THE FACT THAT DESTINY IS BEYOND OUR PERSONAL CHOICE OR PREFERENCE, DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE DESTINY ATTACKERS – powers that are determined to DERAIL that destiny once it is revealed a little! I call them, “SATANIC HERODS!” There are HERODS that can perceive the DESTINY of CHILDREN (today’s scripture)! Do you know that some children are attacked right from their mother’s womb? Yes! Yes! Yes! Troublesome pregnancies!

ODM For Winners 13 August 2020

The LORD is saying, if you wait on him even in your storm when the journey of life looks dark and blurred, HE WILL DEFEND HIS PURPOSE AND MAKE IT STAND? Wow! Lift up your hands and give HIM praise now. As I lay hands on you in AGREEMENT on the last day of this fast, THAT ORIGINAL PURPOSE of your God for you, shall be restored and recovered! I decree today, God’s plan concerning you CANNOT BE DERAILED and ALL DESTINY MANIPULATORS must SCATTER, DRY UP AND DIE! Did Herod not die for Baby Jesus to futile destiny? Pray again the prayers of yesterday and declare to every HEROD: YOU MUST DIE FOR ME TO LIVE!

ODM For Winners 13 August 2020 – SHE MARRIED TWO EXCEPTIONAL MEN-2!


1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. Oh, you demonic HERODS: YOU MUST DIE FOR ME TO LIVE! My destiny is UNSTOPPABLE In Jesus Name.
3. This fasting program must Favour me in Jesus name.
4. Lord, FORGIVE AND RESTORE whatever part of my destiny plan that was derailed by my own mistakes in Jesus name.
5. Thank you LORD for you great thoughts and plans towards me (Jer 29:11).
6. O you DESTINY MANIPULATORS; DRY UP AND die! Dry up!!! Dry up now in Jesus name!
7. Pray about today seriously as led now. ODM For Winners 13 August 2020 – SHE MARRIED TWO EXCEPTIONAL MEN-2!

Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe is a Christian minister, trained pharmacist and author. He is the founder and senior pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain Ministry Worldwide, headquartered in Lagos. He is also the author of Our Daily Manna.

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