Friday, July 3, 2020

Our Daily Manna 3rd July 2020 [Friday] – The Tailor of The Lilies! Look Up!

Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic For Today: The Tailor of The Lilies! Look Up!

Basic Scripture: Matthew 6: 25-34


P.G Wodehouse humorously used the phrase, “lilies of the fleld” to refer to the idle rich who do not labour. The keyword here is IDLE, Indeed, the rich are not idle, but there is a level you get to in life where WORRY, SWEATING STRUGGLING and ANXIETY are minimal in your life! That phase of life is called the “IDLE PHASE” It is a phase likened to the story of the FLOWERS (LILIES) of the earth! They do not groan, but they GLOW!

Our Daily Manna July 3 2020 – THE TAILOR OF THE LILIES! LOOK UP!
They do not sweat but they SHINE! They do not WORRY, but they are WINNERS in beauty! Have you ever seen a group of trees or flowery plants in spring? Oh! Goodness! I remember the DUBAI MIRACLE GARDEN! When you see the BEAUTY and BLOSSOM of FLOWERS, you will know indeed, that EVEN SOLOMON in all his man-made glory was not up to these FLOWERY PLANTS in beauty! Success is not by struggle or hustle without direction! Today’s scripture Verse 28 says: “And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

The LORD was pointing out that the lilies of the field do not labour or produce anything, yet they are dressed more than the most glamorous palaces of King Solomon. WHO DRESSES THEM? Do you know that the glory of Solomon is still considered to be the most grandiose in the whole of the Middle East and in the Jewish kingdom? Yes! The lilies of the field are brilliant and they have a very gorgeous appearance! And they are more colourful than the splendour of Solomon’s palace. Listen: THE GOD WHO DRESSES and decorates THE LILIES, will DRESS YOU and COVER YOU UP from SHAME and FAILURE! Solomon was so glorious/glamorous that the QUEEN OF SHEBA fainted at seeing his glory! The LORD says to you: “What I shall do in you and through you will cause men to quake and faint in heart!

Our Daily Manna July 3 2020 – THE TAILOR OF THE LILIES! LOOK UP!
Determine to worry less! Smile More! Listen carefully! Take responsibilities! Don’t worry about tomorrow! Accept what you can’t change! Embrace the lessons of every event in your life! Resıst worry over who to marry, what to wear, eat, live in your country or abroad, fear of death, etc. Love your life because worrying is a waste of time! Good and bad things will happen in life. You just have to keep living and not be stressed over what you cannot control. Our anxieties do not come from thinking about the future but from wanting to control it.

So despite the fact that the lilies (FLOWERY PLANTS) do not struggle or know tomorrow, they just BLOSSOM! From this day, in this 2nd half of the year, even your progress will shock you because the ONE inside of you is the Creator of the LILIES and the God of SOLOMON! Trust Him! Shame will never be your name nor, “your last bus-stop.” Pray now! Our Daily Manna July 3 2020 – THE TAILOR OF THE LILIES! LOOK UP!


PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: What a friend we have… New 3rd Quarter ODM Hymn Songs 2020 – CLICK HERE

  1. In your own words, pray on today’s word as led now.

  2. Thou who clothe the LILIES of the ficld, CLOTHE me from SHAME.

  3. Pray about today as led. CANCEL FEAR OF THE FUTURE! Our Daily Manna July 3 2020 – THE TAILOR OF THE LILIES! LOOK UP!

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