Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Our Daily Manna 29th July 2020 [Wednesday] – Everything Is Created Twice! Hold On!

Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic For Today: Everything Is Created Twice! Hold On!

Basic Scriptures:  Proverbs 23:1-1, John 2:1-11


So many people give up on their dreams, goals or ambitions because they are ignorant of the “GESTATION SEASON” required to manifest the very things they seek. They think just because they have put in all their energy, resources and time, etc, and nothing seems to be happening, then their dreams are dead! No! No! No! Don’t give up!

Note that at the beginning, when you plan anything, your idea has just taken root in the soil of creation! YOUR THOUGHTS ARE THE FIRST SOIL OF CREATION! All they need is the sustenance provided by sustained action and focused effort. Given enough time, the ‘initial growth’ or signs of growth of their ideas will break through the soil, and manifest in their physical world.

So, the secret to success is simply this; “Ideas held in mind reproduce after their kind.” If you keep the thing you want to be, do or have fixated on the screen of your mind, and align your actions with what you think you need to do for these things to manifest, then your idea must move into physical form. If you keep on keeping on, if you keep persisting when everybody around you is quitting, then ultimately you will be, do or have ANYTHING you desire.

Proverbs 23: 7 says: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”The thinking is the first creation. The manifestation is the 2nd creation. Every seed has a gestation period, and every seed is different. Therefore gestation periods differ depending on the type of seed that is sown. We can understand this concept when we apply it to physical seeds. We know the gestation period for a human baby is 280 days, 49 days for a carrot or 135 days for a potato.

What we fail to realize is that our ideas are also seeds, that must move into tangible form. I repeat: Everything is created twice; everything was a thought before it became a thing! Sowing goes before reaping! So, refuse to give up now! Keep seeing the goals! Keeping seeing the NEW WINE! Keeping seeing your destination because delayed WINE does not mean denied WINE!


Take your best worship song as led… 

In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
From this day, I UPROOT any thought that will not grow my dreams! I resist any NEGATIVE THOUGHT or NEGATIVE ASSOCIATION in Jesus name.
I shall create my dreams twice! I shall CAPTURE every thought and command it towards my goals. Then I shall wait and speak forth that dream. I resist depression and self-pity in Jesus name.

Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe is a Christian minister, trained pharmacist and author. He is the founder and senior pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain Ministry Worldwide, headquartered in Lagos. He is also the author of Our Daily Manna.

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