Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Our Daily Manna 1st July 2020 [Wednesday] – Your Lifeguard Walks on Water!

Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic For Today: Your Lifeguard Walks on Water!

Basic Scripture: Matthew 14: 22-33Psalms 55:22


Welcome to this 2nd half of 2020! Oh, what a year it has been! A to year of the worldwide of Coronavirus bombshell! But your being alive shows that He ELEVATED YOU from that DARK STORM! I saw the storm pass under you and around you, but it missed your address! Be thankful, prayerful, but still be watchful! The Holy Ghost wants you to know that: no matter how 2020 has been and if something is not good in your life, its because God has not FINISHED with it yet! It does not mean it is an abandoned project!

Always remember that when it seems you are drowning in life’s circumstances, YOUR LIFEGUARD WALKS ON WATER! The worst that the devil can do is to delay your miracle for a moment, but he is not allowed to deny you. The worst he can do is to keep you in that “pit” for a while like Joseph, but he is not permitted to TURN THE “PIT OF DELAY” TO YOUR CEMETERY. Just as Joseph came out of the pit, you will come out too! Do you know that even JOSEPH’S PIT OF DELAY WAS ACTUALLY HIS LADDER TO HIS PROMISED LAND? (SEE Gen 37:20-29). Whatever you have not received since 2020 began is delayed, not denied. God will come through for you. ODM Daily 1 July 2020 – YOUR LIFEGUARD WALKS ON WATER!


Take any song of worship as led…

1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as you are led.
2. Psalm 23:6: I decree: Any power diverting the goodness that God has allocated to me this year, be paralysed now!
3. I put an end to all demonic delays designed to waste me! ODM Daily 1 July 2020 – YOUR LIFEGUARD WALKS ON WATER!
4. Pray the “Prayers Just Before Ay Fasting son page 108 of “WARAGAINST HA MAN – 15”.
5. I will not end up in the Land of Delay; I shall end up in my Land of Elevation by fire. Pray about this 2nd half.
6. Pray about any other issue(s) affecting your peace.

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