Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Our Daily Manna 30th June 2020 [Tuesday] – They Died Together-Same Day!

Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic For Today: They Died Together-Same Day!

Basic Scripture: Hebrews 9:23-28


George and Shirley Brickenden, both 95 and 94 respectively, decided that they didn’t want to wait any longer for death to arrive. They had been married for 73 years and their bodies weren’t faring so well. Shirley had a heart attack in 2016 and nearly died; she now had rheumatoid arthritis and was in constant pain.

George had passed out, unconscious, on his birthday and his heart was also failing. Under Canadian law, both of them qualified for what is known as physician-assisted death. They were older than 18, Canadian citizens, mentally competent, suffering from a “Serious and incurable disease, illness or disability,” and in an “‘advanced state of irreversible decline,’ with “enduring and intolerable suffering.

Furthermore, there was no coercion or force involved. So, due to the pain they experienced, they decided to end their lives together in peace, at the same time on the same day! On the day of their deaths, all the children were invited, after which two doctors who were to inject them arrived. Shortly before 7 P.m. that day, the wife, Mrs. Brickenden turned to her husband and asked: “Are you ready?” “Ready when you are, he replied. They walked into their bedroom and lay down together, holding hands.

The two doctors, one for each patient, injected killer medicines into their arms. Angela, one of their daughters, rubbed her mom’s feet while Pamela, the second daughter, rubbed her dad’s. They smiled, they looked at each other, then Mr. Brickenden looked at his children, standing at the end of the bed and said: “I love you all. It was nice knowing you on this earth” he said. And in few minutes they were both gone to eternity! Wow!

What a way to die! If you were to imagine your own PERFECT DEATH, it would probably look something like that or death in your sleep. The Brickendens were able to get their lives in order, say goodbye one last time to their children, and end life hand in hand with the person they loved the most! Their daughters wrote: They have blessed this earth together for 73 years and it’s time for them to bless the stars.”

But what the Holy Ghost wants to REMIND YOU is that DEATH IS CERTAINLY COMING and you will SOMEDAY and SOMEHOW say “good bye” to the children, houses, cars, clothes, treasures, friends, husband, wife, pets, mansions, bank accounts, etc. This is why you must INVEST DAILY in ETERNITY! Don’t live only for this earth! Set your soul, your life and house in order!

Plan your exit and your absence because if Jesus tarries, it will surely come! Write a will! Forgive people! Live holy! Stay with God! Finish your Bible! Sow into God’s work now! Spend time with your children and family! Many people die suddenly and their families are suffering now! Some die suddenly and their families are in court for war of properties!

The day and how of death is in the hands of God! But never be taken by surprise. Today is my wedding anniversary. Pray for my wife and I, and the family). Our Daily Manna 30 June 2020 – THEY DIED TOGETHER-SAME DAY!


Take any song of adoration as led…

  1. Pray on today’s word now. Give thanks for the gift of life.

  2. The day of death is a mystery! I shall not die the death of a fool.

  3. Lord, grant me the wisdom to plan for my days on planet earth. 4. I shall not end my life here in REGRETS in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna 30 June 2020 – THEY DIED TOGETHER-SAME DAY!

  4. I cancel PREMATURE DEATH now!

  5. Pray in tongues now as led concerning the next 6 months.

  6. Thank God for the past 6 months. Pray about today and the upcoming fasting programme as led now.

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