Thursday, October 29, 2020



Our Daily Manna

Our daily manna Devotional

The Topic of Our Daily Manna for 29th October 2020 Is “THINK COMMUNITY! DISCOVER YOUR HARVEST – 2”

Basic Scripture: RUTH 1 : 12-22


Vs 20 – 21 says: ’And she said unto them, ”Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.‘ Note: VERY BITTERLY! Not just bitter but VERY BITTER! That was enough to push her into a SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE

PERSON! She was an unhappy and bitter woman. No matter how 2020 has been, please refuse to give up on your virtues of KINDNESS and COMMUNITY thinking! Even if you were betrayed by a loved one, please still LOVE AGAIN! Even if you were hurt by others, please still think of others!.

Don“t let the events you have been through to stop the goodness in you! People have lied against me and I decided to leave my country for good because I felt it was all done out of envy! There was a season I TRUSTED NOBODY because those you trusted, either stole or ganged up with extortioners/blackmailers to hurt my name. My son was once kidnapped! I was once sued to court by a lady I never knew from Adam. She said she broke her teeth at one of the annual WORLD ANOINTING NIGHTS which attracts hundreds of thousands.

She demanded for 25 million naira (about 65,000 dollars) to enable her fix her broken teeth. How was I supposed to know what happened to about 500, 000 people who came for that programme? How am I even sure she was there? Oh God! Later, I heard from the grapevine that she was sent by some envious pastors and gangsters. I was shocked! So I was very bitter and decided to relocate from my country! But despite everything, the LORD told me never to be bitter because it would block my harvest season! Ah! See Vs. 22 – ’So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest.‘ THEY RETURNED IN THE HARVEST SEASON!

When you refuse to be SELFISH, REVENGEFUL or BITTER, God announces your HARVEST! Just before your HARVEST, there will be HASSLES! But the secret of moving into your harvest (reward) season is by putting others first. Let God fight your battles! They returned to Bethlehem (the house of bread) in the beginning of the barley harvest because Ruth was thinking of NAOMI and NAOMI was thinking of Ruth! Ruth later located her life partner because SHE PUT NAOMI FIRST – COMMINUTY THINKING! She later became the great grandmother of the Messiah through the OBED – DAVID – JESUS LINEAGE! Community thinking provokes your celebration/harvest season! Resist bitterness or depression! This world will celebrate you soon! Hold on and hold out!


1. Take any song of praise as led.
2. In your own words, pray about today“s word as led.
3. No matter how this year has been, I choose to be better; not to be bitter.
4. Lord, accelerate my HARVEST SEASON!
5. Pray for all members of ODM AIR BRIGADE or PRINTING partners and anyone that has sowed any seed into this vision. LOOSE UNSTOPPABLE HARVEST for them!
6. Pray about today! Cancel the loss (death) of a child.

Our Daily Manna also known as ODM is written by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe.

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