Thursday, August 20, 2020

Our Daily Manna 20th August 2020 [Thursday] – The Peter Miracle! The Battles of The Deep!


Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic: The Peter Miracle! The Battles of The Deep!

Basic Scriptures: Luke 5:1-11


Deep calleth unto deep is grace going into the depth of your troubles, pain and frustrations. It is God’s grace meeting you at the juncture of every battle of your life. Deep battles don’t attract sympathy or empathy because your friends, relations etc, think you are ok. Even when you open up to them, they don’t believe you because they can’t see it on you.

They won’t understand your battle because it is in the deep! But deep battles attract God’s deepest love. Yes, the bigger and deeper the disgrace arrows sent against you, the bigger and deeper the grace of God in your situation. Simon Peter was in a deep mess having toiled all night without result. It was the biggest frustrating fishing experience of his career. Peter was in deep pain and disappointment and was mending his nets to go home.

Jesus asked him to launch into the DEEP for a big catch (Luke 5:4). Jesus was saying; “I know you’ve had a deep battle all through the night, but now launch into the depth of My grace for a tremendous net-breaking catch.” And when Peter obeyed, it was so. And what the Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional is that, the DEEP GRACE of God will locate that deep mistake, deep disappointment, deep disgrace, deep shame and deep economic battle and swallow it up because you must be elevated this year.

In Genesis 1: 2, darkness was upon the face of the deep (waters). “Darkness upon the face of the deep,” speaks of a life characterized by turbulence, hopeless situations, stubborn battles and a bleak future. But I love the next line: “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Note: “THE SPIRIT OF GOD” moved, hovered, brooded, prevailed, subdued and brought under control and into subjection the void and emptiness. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Grace. So, grace moved, prevailed and subdued the deep waters (deep battles). And that is what grace will do for you in this second half of this year. You will never end up in the land of shame! Hold on and hold out! Peace!

Our Daily Manna 19th August 2020 [Wednesday] – Gunned Down In Six Seconds: Be Ready!

1. Take Song 2: What a friend we have…
2. In your own words, thank the Lord for today’s word and pray as led.
3. Pray and ask God for the impartation of the Spirit of Grace into your spirit today.
4. O Spirit of Grace; move upon my battles and dry up its roots now in Jesus name.
5. I decree: No satanic storm shall sink me! Lord, PROMOTE ME by every battle, mistake or attack on my life and ministry!
6. The more the battles, the more the GRACE. No battle shall consume me this year in Jesus name.
7. LORD, let Your DEEP GRACE invade the deep problems, troubles, failures and storms of my life and destiny in Jesus name

Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe is a Christian minister, trained pharmacist and author. He is the founder and senior pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain Ministry Worldwide, headquartered in Lagos. He is also the author of Our Daily Manna.

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