Saturday, August 1, 2020

Our Daily Manna 1st August 2020 [Saturday] – Reject Premature Promotion! My 1976 Secrets!

Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic: Reject Premature Promotion! My 1976 Secrets!

Basic Scriptures: John 3: 23-33.


Oh Welcome! Remember again: you are called to greatness but sometimes the greater place God calls you to is where less people will see you! One of the secrets of DAVID WAS THAT NOBODY KNEW HIM. God hid him and prepared him in the bushes and not in the camera frontline! One of the greatest secret of ATTRACTING GRACE is HUMILITY, because it RESISTS (fights) the PROUD! I remember when I just got born again in 1976, I told the lord: Don’t make me popular or be seen! All I pray is: USE ME! USE ME! USE ME! I vow never to share the glory with you and I vow never to seek lime light. ➤DAILY MANNA DEVOTIONAL – “THE MATHEMATICS OF ANSWERED PRAYERS”

Our Daily Manna 1 August 2020

“At that time, He told me to join the SANITATION department of anywhere I was-in churches and camp meetings. I cleaned toilet while others were seeking the pulpit. I took pleasure in sweeping the church auditorium on Saturdays (unseen) while others were contending to sit down in the front row on Sundays! There was a period in my life when I was in security and traffic department of the church where I worshipped. I never stepped into the church services for over a year! I complained, but my PAPA GOD told me: SHUT UP AND STAY THERE! My joy was that I took care of safety of other people’s cars! But today, I am what I am by his grace!

Today, I am tired of the limelight and I even avoid places where people will see me at the airports e.t.c because I have become known worldwide! Ah! If you want to go far in life and ministry, don’t seek to be seen! Seek to allow him to see through you! Ignore insults! Don’t keep malice or grudges! Forgive fast! Don’t fight for visible/public positions! Seek to serve in quiet positions until God choses to announce HIMSELF. Do you know that PREMATURE ANNOUNCEMENT has turned Millions into ICHABOD? – no more fresh oil and no more fresh glory! Our Daily Manna 1 August 2020 – REJECT PREMATURE PROMOTION! MY 1976 SECRETS!

Take your best song as led.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
2. Repent from seeking to be seen or heard! LORD MORE OF YOU;LESS OF ME ! I reject PREMATURE ANNOUNCEMENT OR PROMOTION! Our Daily Manna 1 August 2020 – REJECT PREMATURE PROMOTION! MY 1976 SECRETS!
3. Lord, you must INCREASE in me AND I MUST DECREASE!
4. INCUBATE /MOULD ME into Your PURPOSE in places where less people will see me!

Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe is a Christian minister, trained pharmacist and author. He is the founder and senior pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain Ministry Worldwide, headquartered in Lagos. He is also the author of Our Daily Manna.

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