Monday, July 13, 2020

Our Daily Manna 13th July 2020 [Monday] – Incredible Doors Are About To Open!

Our Daily Manna (ODM) Topic For Today: Incredible Doors Are About To Open!

Basic Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13, Acts 12:1-1


The Holy Ghost is using the story of the disgraced HEROD to sharpen your faith in this fasting programme. Our second scripture, Acts 12: 10 says: “When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of its own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him.”

Note: “…the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of its own accord.” They passed about 3 gates and security! The last big gate OPENED ON ITS OWN! Wow! In this 14-day fasting programme and beyond, closed gates shall open by force! Closed doors shall spring open by a higher divine force! The Lord is speaking to somebody: Your doors shall open again because you are unstoppable!

You are entering a season of open doors! Doors of iron will open! Doors of brass will open! Doors of silver will open! Doors closed by witchcraft powers shall open! Financial doors shall open in this 14-day fasting programme! Marital doors shall open on their own not because you are struggling, not because you are worried, but because DIVINE AUTOMATIC DOORS shall be released over your life! Oh!

Get ready to dance again! Get ready to change your name to CELEBRITY, because this world shall celebrate you! You shall be called JOY again! The LORD is about to open a door that no man can close! He is about to open a door that no man can argue or debate over!

The Lord says He is about to open doors of increase! The LORD says, your lost glory is coming back! I see favour and grace coming upon you again! There’s somebody using today’s devotional: You celebrated a testimony which you later lost! The LORD says: “WEEP NOT! That


PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Take any song of victory as led… New 3rd Quarter ODM Hymn Songs 2020 


  1. Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.

  2. Lord, give me a last-minute testimony! I SHALL NOT QUIT in Jesus name.

    Follow the prayer plan above. Lord, do the UNBELIEVABLE, the INCREDIBLE, the miracle of “CAN THIS BE TRUE?” in my life!

Lord, preserve my life, family/ministry from unseen sorrow and evil as 2020 rolls on. Pray for me today, Dr Chris! Cancel every satanic gang-up to distract me.

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